Fear Free Certified Professionals

What do we mean when we say that a veterinary visit is Fear Free? A veterinary team member who is Fear Free® certified wants your pet to be happy when he or she comes through the hospital’s door.

nurse holding cat

Fear Free®

What is Fear Free?
Founded upon the mission of preventing and alleviating fear, anxiety, and stress in pets, Fear Free® provides online education to veterinary professionals, pet professionals, animal welfare communities, and pet owners.

Veterinary and pet professionals who complete the rigorous certification programs earn the designation of Fear Free Certified® Professional, and Fear Free Certified Professionals are a cut above the rest when it comes to caring for your best friend.

When you simply want the best care possible for your four-legged friend, a Fear Free Certified Professional is here to help.

Click here to learn more about what Fear Free® Certification means for your pet’s vet visits!

And for lots of great tips and tricks to keep your pets’ stress and anxiety to a minimum at home and elsewhere, visit fearfreehappyhomes.com!